Learn to Code KiCad 2025 and Open Hardware Dinner
Learn to Code KiCad 2025
Once again, KiCad will host a Learn to Code KiCad event at FOSDEM 2025. This year’s event will be held on Friday, January 31st, 2025, at Atelier des Tanneurs in Brussels, Belgium. The event will be a full day of hands-on KiCad development. The event is free to attend and we’ll provide lunch and snacks. Click here to sign up for the event.

Open Hardware Dinner
Additionally, we will be hosting a dinner on Saturday evening for anyone interested in open hardware. The dinner will be held at Volle Gas in Brussels. The dinner is open to anyone interested in open hardware, not just those attending the Learn to Code event. Come, hang out with the KiCad and FreeCad crews, and talk about open hardware. Dinner is usually about €30 per person. If you are interested in attending the dinner, please let us know by filling out the form at https://forms.gle/zBSUUuqryVcseWWw6.

See Also
2024 End of Year Fund Drive
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KiCad Conference Europe 2024 Announcement
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