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Report an Issue

Select the appropriate location from the blue buttons below. Once you are on the issue tracker, click on the New Issue button. You will see a prefilled issue form, formatted using markdown syntax. This image shows a good report that provides full information:

Example of good report
Important Program version must be copied by clicking on a button "Copy Version Info", found under HelpAbout and pasted into issue form under section "# KiCad Version".

For Command Line Interface reports, generate the version info using:
kicad-cli version --format about

Reporting Locations

KiCad (applications)

If you have a functional issue with using any application be it the project launcher (KiCad), schematic editor (Eeschema), PCB editor (Pcbnew), Gerber viewer (gerbview) and other executables.

Translations (for the applications)

KiCad applications by default have all of their interface text written in English. A group of contributors creates special translation files to convert the English text to other languages.

Documentation (any language)

All the documentation is made up a team of contributors that spend their time painstakingly keeping content up to date with KiCad’s changes. Additionally contributors also spend time translating the same manuals into other languages.


The website is maintained by another group of maintainers. The main website at is separate from the documentation website Please report any issues in the correct location.

Support/Help Requests

Issue trackers are not for general support requests asking how do you use or do something in KiCad.

We ask you instead look at the community forums links for communities that can provide help.